With circ Nette reusable packaging, we offer you an environmentally friendly and cost-saving alternative to disposable packaging. Our product range is broad and includes, among other things
- Double-walled reusable cups for hot drinks such as coffee and tea
- Reusable boxes and trays for to-go menus
- Reusable cutlery and trays for events and catering
- Reusable salad and dessert bowls
- Deposit solutions for uncomplicated customer returns
- Individual branding options for your catering business
- circ Nette reusable: your simple alternative to packaging tax
Mayor Reiter has made it clear: "You don't avoid anything with a tax". This is exactly where we come in with our circ Nette reusable packaging. Together, we reduce packaging waste and at the same time offer you a future-proof and economically viable solution for your catering business.